With a solid reputation for quality, integrity, and value, at National Building and Restoration we work in a manner consistent with our company purpose and guiding principles. No matter what delivery method or market, NB&RC's approach to construction services remains steady: meet expectations of quality and safety, establish clear lines of communication, stay on schedule, and control costs.
Examples of Construction Services
- Coordinating with local, state, and national governmental agencies to ensure workmanship compliance with building codes and permitting.
- Plan review at various stages of completion for value improvement, constructability, and cost savings.
- Establishment and monitoring of RFI log and submittal log.
- Review and compiling completion documents such as as-builts, warranties, O&M Manuals, etc.
- Evaluation, budgeting, and scheduling of initial project scope of work.
- Participation in the creation of ongoing budgets and development of unit prices and allowances.
- Establishment of procedures for coordination among trade contractors with respect to all aspects of project implementation.
- Scheduling and coordinating progress meetings with key trade contractors, jointly discussing and resolving important project issues.
- Onsite inspections for conformance to schedule, design, quality, and safety.
- Review of change order requests, if necessary, for validity and pricing.
- Review of payment requests from subcontractors and consultants.
- Leading and monitoring the work of trade contractors to complete the project in accordance with the quality, cost, safety. and time objectives.
- Providing regular monitoring and updating of the schedule as construction progresses.
- Providing summary reports — monitoring and documenting all changes in schedule.
- Evaluating the adequacy of and making adjustments to the trade contractor's personnel, equipment, and the availability of materials and supplies to meet the schedule.